قالب:صورة تاريخية


This image is a faithful digitalization of a unique historic Image, and the copyright for it is most likely held by the person who took the Image or the agency employing the person. It is believed that the use of this Image

  • to illustrate the event in question where:
  • The Image depicts a non-reproducible historic event, and no free alternative exists or can be created, and
  • The image is low resolution and of no larger and of no higher quality than is necessary for the illustration of an article, and the use of the image on Wikipedia is not expected to decrease the value of the copyright,
  • on the English-language Wikipedia, hosted on servers in the United States by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation,

qualifies as fair use under United States copyright law. Other use of this image, on Wikipedia or elsewhere, may be copyright infringement. See ويكيبيديا:Fair use for more information.

If this does not accurately describe this image, please remove this tag and provide a different fair use rationale.

To the uploader: please add a detailed fair use rationale for each use, as described on ويكيبيديا:Image description page, as well as the source of the work and copyright information.